Empowering communities in Uganda through Education, Health promotion, Livelihoods support, Legal aid and advocacy.


"Charity in Diversity"


Service to humanity is true self service

At LECAU, our mission is to support and uplift the vulnerable members of our society. We firmly believe that the strength of a community lies in its ability to bounce back from adversity, and we strive to create resilient communities that thrive with dignity. Our focus is on providing essential goods and services to those who are in need, ensuring that everyone has access to the basic necessities of life. Through our efforts, we aim to empower individuals and families, giving them the support, they need to overcome challenges and build a better future. At LECAU, we are dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of those who need it most, because we understand that by serving the vulnerable, we are ultimately strengthening our entire community.

We are an all-volunteer organization and at the heart our service lies different categories of Vulnerable populations that include

  • Orphaned and Vulnerable children

  • Victims of sexual and domestic violence

  • Needy Female headed households.

  • Persons with disabilities and Terminal illnesses

  • Displaced persons due to conflict, war and natural disasters

  • Out of school youth

Thanks to the Volunteers, partners and donors. By Dec 2023, we had positively impacted 25 people through secondary and post-secondary education sponsorship, 234 were able to get food relief, 10 community wells were constructed for the communal use, 5 CBOs trained on Advocacy against Domestic and Intimate partner violence etc

Despite the great achievements, there is still more to tackle. 2005-2023 has been time to learn and Act. Going forward, we need more souls, hands and minds dedicated to the purpose of LECAU in form of donors, volunteers, consultants and partners committed to support the initiatives at LECAU for better livelihoods for all.- We welcome you Onboard.

Legal and Charitable Aid - Uganda (LECAU) is a grassroot non governmental organization with its offices located in kinyamaseke town council - Kasese district in Uganda near Democratic republic of Congo border and is fully registered by government of Uganda to empower the rural and vulnerable communities of Uganda in areas of Education, health, livelihood support, legal aid and advocacy.